People who abuse drugs often find they need a higher and higher dose to achieve the same high they got when first using. This puts them at more risk of an overdose, and means any drug use needs to be detected and treated promptly.
Many families who never thought drug addiction would be a problem with their loved ones find out it is, due to easy access to legal and illegal substances. Painkillers, for example, are now being sold on the street for cash because they produce the high addicts are after. Painkillers can also be abused even when a doctor has legally prescribed them for an existing medical condition. What should we look for when it comes to the use of drugs and what steps should be taken when someone needs help with addiction?
Users often exhibit physical signs of drug abuse. A person may notice a loved one’s eyes are glazed or bloodshot on a regular basis, or their pupils may appear constricted or dilated. Be aware that there are other causes for these symptoms, but if they are seen regularly with no other identifiable cause, you should suspect the loved one is using drugs. Any sudden weight changes may be a sign someone is using, but again may be attributed to other causes.
When a person begins sleeping more than usual or doesn’t appear to need as much sleep as he or she has in the past, this may be a sign of substance abuse.
The best way to determine where the problem lies is to have this individual seen by a medical professional. Doing so can help eliminate other potential causes and determine if drugs are the problem. But be aware that certain drugs are originally prescribed for a legitimate purpose and the person becomes dependent on them and begins abusing them. The doctor will need to know about this history and why it is believed use of the prescribed medication is now of concern.
Behavioral issues often arise when someone uses or abuses drugs. Those around the individual may notice he or she struggles to focus and think clearly. Aggression or irritability is often reported with users and a change in their personality or attitude may be seen. Depression and lethargy have been reported by many people using drugs, while major changes in the priorities or habits of the user might be observed. Criminal activity often accompanies drug use and abuse, and the individual may start hanging around new people who use drugs as they do. Any noticeable change in someone’s behavior should be investigated to determine if drugs played a role.