Lake Detox in the NEWS

LAKE Detox Partners with Louisiana Health Care Practitioners to Help Combat Opioid Crisis in Rural Louisiana

Lafayette, LA – Lake Detox, an innovative addiction treatment center, announced its new partnership with Louisiana Health Care Practitioners to expand Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services throughout rural Louisiana through a $725,000 federal grant provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

HRSA claims that more than 130 people die from opioid-related drug overdoses each day. Furthermore, it has been shown that rural populations are especially vulnerable to substance abuse issues due to economic hardship and limited access to medical resources such as doctors and medications.

“Addiction is often treated as the primary disease or diagnosis for individuals struggling with substance abuse,” said Alex Jeansonne, Chief Operating Officer of Louisiana Health Care Practitioners. “We search for the source that stems these addictive behaviors and work towards equipping patients with tools for a successful long-term recovery. In addition to helping expand MAT services, our partnership with Lake Detox will allow us to bring comprehensive addiction treatment services to the rural environment. This is a big win for Louisiana.”

Grant recipients are required to recruit, train, and mentor interdisciplinary teams, as well as clinical, social, and administrative staff, so that effective partnerships, workflows, supply chains, and provider-patient encounters within MAT services are either invented or improved.

Lake Detox and Louisiana Health Care Practitioners aim to educate and provide treatment to patients suffering from addiction. Rural areas affected in Louisiana will benefit the most with increased access to addiction specialists and treatment options such as peer recovery and telehealth programs. Expanding access to these evidence-based practices will introduce a self-sustained model of relief for the opioid epidemic, surrounding these communities.

“We are building a model that we hope will sustain itself beyond the allocation of these resources. This is important because the rural communities are at a high risk for Opioid Use Disorder and other substance abuse issues,” said Ed Mury, Chief Operations Officer of Lake Detox. “Rural communities deserve to have this treatment option available to patients. That is why our work with Louisiana Health Care Practitioners will be so impactful.”

For more information about Lake Detox, visit or call (337) 703-0907

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